The AYAA is currently recruiting for positions within our 2024 Australian Youth Aerospace Forum subcommittee. As a volunteer in this team, you will gain unparalleled experience working in a dedicated team with the goal to coordinate a unique event which aims to showcase pathways into the aerospace industry for high school students. This extracurricular involvement will undoubtedly give applicants a head-start in a career in the aerospace industry. Please do not hesitate to direct any questions about the roles to, responses will be timely.

Please complete in full. DO NOT USE nicknames, acronyms or shortened versions of details.
Before applying, please ensure that you meet all the requirements outlined in the 2024 AYAF Information Package.
For more information please  the AYAF Application website;

Apply Online

Please provide your first name
Please provide any middle name/s as necessary
Please provide your last name
Please feel free to provide a preferred name
What are your preferred pronouns?
Please enter your phone number
What state are you currently living in
Please enter your current University/Educational Institution or N/A if not applicable.
Please enter your current Degree or N/A if not applicable.
Please enter your current Workplace/Institution or N/A if not applicable.
Please enter your current Job Title or N/A if not applicable.
Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile
What postion do you wish to apply for?
Please indicate if you currently hold or are able & willing to obtain a Blue Card. Please note providing or being able to obtain a Blue Card is a requirement for holding a position within the subcommittee.
For example, a passport or drivers licence. Please note providing Photo ID is a requirement for holding a position within the subcommittee.

Fields with (*) are compulsory.